Thursday, June 30, 2011

Two Ricks Are(n't) Better Than One

Rick Perry and Rick Scott are two of the biggest dickheads of the current crop  of GOP Governors, and if you're the Ruth Gehrig of that particular group, then you are truly, impressively horrible.  They're both taking shit for skipping out during emergencies to play picnic with the Koch brothers.

On one hand, yes, it does look bad for them to be doing this in such a desperate time for their states.  On the other hand, what would they be doing, throwing dirt on fires?  Making sandwiches for the firemen?  Believe me, if you live in Texas or Florida the last place you want these two is in Texas or Florida, sitting around thinking of more ways to screw their constituents over. 

Mostly, this whole post is an excuse to reprise one of my favorite bits from years ago:
And as a hunter knows how to handle a rifle without looking like an idiot, which of course is so important int his country. Why I don't know; can you ever imagine the sentence "okay okay, everybody calm down...the President is on the way, he's gonna shoot the damn thing."

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