Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The All-Star Game Sucks, Vol. VII

Some ideas on how to fix the absurdly stupid MLB All-Star Game HERE.  I agree with them all, and this is my favorite:
5.) More skills
Why is this so hard to accomplish? MLB's Homerun Derby has proven to be nearly as popular as the game itself. Yet baseball refuses to capitalize on its own success by adding more skills contests. For instance, you take a half-dozen players with great arms, stick them in centerfield, and set targets at every base and home plate. Tadah! An Outfield Skills Competition.
Watching major league ballplayers hit batting practice pitches for home runs is duller that the NBA dunk contest and holds no interest to me, but there's nothing more thrilling than watching major leaguers even casually throw a ball back and forth, with their gloves popping each time.  And there's nothing more thrilling than watching an outfielder gun some dude out at the plate.  I hope you're reading this, Bud Selig.

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