Wednesday, July 06, 2011


Remember a few days ago when everybody was freaking out over the $100M ATM receipt, wondering whose it was?

Well, now we know: hedge funder Ron Baron.

Fucking hell.  Now, I'm not saying I was running around telling everybody it was mine.  Of course not.  Burt I took care to not DENY it was mine whenever anybody would ask - I'd make a sly joke, say something like "oh, but of course not" with a knowing look, and then pretend I had a phone call.  You have no idea how horny for you chicks get when they think you might have $100M in a checking account.  It was quite a run, and now it's all over.

Hey thanks a lot, Ron.  You're a real fucking pal, aren't you?  Fucking hell.  Now I'm left with not denying that I was the fat kid in Stand by Me ("How cool was River?  Gee, weeeeeeeell, how would I ever know?")

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