Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Ol' Turkeyneck has been on fire lately - yesterday he came up with assassinating the President, and today he says we need to re-write the Constitution so we all have to do exactly what he says.:
Speaking on the Senate floor this morning, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) offered what may be the most concise summary of conservative constitutionalism ever spoken — America must rewrite the Constitution to force conservative outcomes because we the people consistently elect lawmakers who disagree with McConnell.
And they say Newt Gingrich is the "ideas guy.  What WILL he come up with tomorrow - insisting Matlock come back on prime time?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Not until he is OUT of office... and until then character assassination will suffice, right? The fact remains: As long as you are unable to see the devastating outcome of continued borrowing, printing and spending, while putting the burden of repayment on the backs of Americans (yet to be born) through higher taxes, you will continue to twist the words of conservatives to your advantage...and visa verse! cheers!
