Thursday, July 21, 2011

For Fuck's Sake Already

Fellow Yankee Fans:

We really need to stop this whole "Jeter Sucks!" meme that we're all adopting to let everybody know that not only do we see beyond irrational Yankee fandom, but we are also experts of who can do what on a baseball field. YES, I realize that each step above the last guy that called in makes us that much more of a baseball expert, but really, you need to shut the fuck up.

Gee, I'm sorry he's lost half a step - is this something you're gonna be bringing up during his Hall of Fame induction?  Gee, I'm guessing not.  I'm "guessing" you're gonna be blathering about when you saw the Flip, the Dive, Mr. November et al; I'm "guessing" you won't be pulling out Excel spreadsheets about his OPS after he hit 35.  You'll cry your eyes out and PRAY for just one more series with Jeter (since, I'm guessing, the present players won't measure up to your Jeterian standard.)
We're fucking lucky to be watching an all-time Yankee great DAY AFTER FUCKING DAY.  We are like the generation of kids that grew up watching Mickey Mantle - we're all gonna tell our kids about something Jeter did, and why he was so great.

Quit trying to act like you understand baseball more than Jeter or Girardi, that your rational insistence on winning means anything, and soak it in.  Otherwise, I don't wanna hear your fucking bawling during his induction.  We're so fucking lucky.


  1. Maybe I'm not the ideal person to say this since I've never guzzled the no.2 flavored Kool-Aid--despite being a hardcore Yankee fan--but Jeter sucks now. Period. It's a fact of life that only Jeter and those who continue to engage in blind idolatry of the man seem unaware of, or willing to overlook; those who thought he was being disrespected when he was offered and subsequently rejected $15m/yr, which is twice what [fill in the blank] with Jeter's current age, stats and performance would be offered.

    He was awesome, incredibly clutch, contributed immensely to the late '90s dynasty, was one of the top 5 or 10 players of his generation, and is riding into Cooperstown on a likely near unanimous first ballot. But currently, he is mediocre. Plain and simple. And not getting any better, btw. His notable decline in skill is painfully evident and it's time we all owned up to it and stopped kidding ourselves. Let's hope he pulls a Mike Schmidt and retires before he embarrasses himself big-time, unlike the great Willie Mays--arguably the greatest ballplayer ever--who limped his way thru his final days on the diamond. Ugh.

    Acknowledging what is plain for all to see in Jeter's case is not being an overcompensating Yankee fan, it's facing facts. Yes, one day we will yearn for another Jeter. But trust me, it'll be the '98 version, for instance, not the current king-of-groundball-outs, we'll miss.

  2. king of ground-ball outs! hahaa TKOGBO ;)
