Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Heat

These motherfuckers who are patting themselves on the back for smugly saying "well, back during the winter when we were buried under snow, isn't this what you were wishing for?"

Hey, asshole: in a word, no.  There's a difference between "wanting to be able to go about one's day without having to maneuver over snowbanks or having your car buried for weeks" and "heat baking into cement and dirt that can literally kill somebody if they're in it long enough."   There's something in between, Professor Genius, such as when neither outlier days of cold nor hot occur, and the weather plays no particular part in someone's happiness or ability to go on about their day.  Even in the worst of this winter's blizzards, nobody was sitting around saying "gee, if only it were so fucking hot that pets and old people were dropping dead while I was unable to be productive because I'm living in a coal brick pizza oven."

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