Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hey, You Can't Have "Cantor" Without "Cant"

Turns out Republican squagillionaires are trying to slowly, patiently, presumably with a cool washcloth on his forehead and some soothing music in the background (birds? ocean sounds?), explain to Eric Cantor that they'd rather pay slightly more on their record-breaking profits than have the global economy collapse:
But what I find most interesting about this is the fact that some wealthy donors — Republicans, mind you, not rich liberals — have gone to the trouble of contacting the House Majority Leader to give their blessing to raising their taxes. Cantor is fighting like hell to make sure these folks don’t have to pay an additional dime, but these same wealthy GOP contributors have effectively told the Majority Leader, “Go ahead; we don’t mind paying a little more.”
So, to review, the White House wants the wealthy to pay a little more; most the Senate wants the wealthy to pay a little more; the Gang of Six expects the wealthy to pay a little more; polls show the vast majority of the American public wants the wealthy to pay a little more; economists believe having the wealthy pay a little more won’t hurt the economy; and the wealthy themselves are comfortable with paying a little more.
But Eric Cantor and House Republicans still consider the very idea outrageous.
Yes, paying slightly higher taxes on billions of dollars is still better than not making billons in the first place.  How 'bout that. Hmm.

Say, I wonder who they brought in to explain to Cantor that even 1 is more than 0?  THIS GUY?

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