Friday, July 22, 2011

Is the GOP a Cult?

We like to joke about the GOP's small penis issues whenever they hyperventilate over playing macho and launching any missile they can get their grubby mitts on, but I'm starting to wonder if what they really  have is daddy issues, since for some reason they seem desperate to be controlled by somebody else.  Some of them wanna be beholden to The Tea Party, promising not to raise taxes a single penny, no matter the reason, lest they be booted out of Congress.  Others wanna sign a pledge that they be true to Grover Norquist, like a daughter putting on a promise ring to show her father she's remain chaste for him.  And yet another chunk wanna sign a pledge for some guy who runs something called FAMiLY LEADER, promising that they'll govern in accordance with hating gay people.  It's really bizarre, and not that funny anymore...the GOP has turned into that sitcom character who wanders into the charismatic clutches of the leader at a local youth center, and promises to allow the leader to make all of his decisions for him.

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