Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I was disappointed Major League Baseball didn't use the All-Star game being played in Arizona to protest the AZ immigration law.  Not that I REALLY expected anything, but it would have been a pleasant surprise.  Meanwhile Alyssa over on Thinkprogress is disappointed by David Ortiz' not wanting to ruffle feathers:
There’s nothing baseball can do about it right now, you know what I’m saying? Everyone’s focused on going to Arizona. It’s not baseball’s fault, or MLB’s fault, that that thing is going on in Arizona. I personally think it’s not fair. You can’t really be that hard on [immigrants], so hopefully that thing goes away and everything goes back to normal.
Ortiz seems confused about what "normal" is.  As in, white people being threatened by people of darker skin enough to fuck with their basic liberties IS normal.  It took a lot of decades and blood to make it NOT normal to subjugate their liberties to the whims of white people, but starting with Arizona it's normal again.  And now South Carolina is attempting to do the same thing, and before you know it, we're back to when things were "normal" in 1963.

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