Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Question.

Earlier today Medium G asked me an interesting question: if I wanted to kill all my siblings, in which order would I do it?

To me, it's pretty simple:

First, I kill Brothatime!!  You hafta cut off the head of the snake, right?  Mostly, if I went after one of the the other two first, he'd instantly sniff whatever dumbass plan I had out and would ta-ta!  kill ME!  So there is no other first choice.

Second would be illWill, only because I'd wanna get it over with and out of my mind as quickly as possible, since he's got that whole Richie Cunningham, innocent, pure thing going on.  Kid was an Eagle Scout, for chrissake.  Hell, I got all choked up at the end of The Member of the Wedding just because the kid on the front cover happened to look exactly like he illWill did as a kid.  Get the kid, and move on.

Last? Sistatime!  But I would not do this one quickly - I would toy with Sistatime!  I mean, Sistatime! is hysterical to watch when she's blithely picking out what ceral to buy; how funny would she be if she knew someone was trying to kill her?  The unintentional comedy would be off the charts, and, as a gift to you, on videotape!

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