Friday, July 22, 2011


Part of the reason it's hard to take any of the dramatics of the debt ceiling negotiations seriously is the fact that you KNOW the zillionaires that Republicans steal your votes to fetishize are whispering in Boehner's ear that he'd petter get the thing raised so they won't stop making record-breaking profits.  And so the combination of a clean raising of the debt ceiling suddenly being hijacked for political theater after having been done a hundred times without anyone in America, including Congress, knowing or caring about it, and Boehner walking out on Obama and deciding to deal with Democratic leadership instead, signals to me that at the last minute a deal will be struck, and Boehner just doesn't want Obama to get credit for it.


  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Follow the leader:

    Actually, this is more of a reality show. Raising a debt ceiling=raising the credit limit on a credut card. We should be as intent upon discussing the 5W and 1H of repayment instead of how much MORE we can BORROW. Isn't that more sensible...responsible? We are talking about debt which falls on taxpayers yet to be born!
