Thursday, July 07, 2011

Unnecessary Hypocrisy is My Least Favorite Kind of Hypocrisy

Now it’s this shit that drives me fucking bananas. How can someone (Hillary Clinton) so smart be so over-calculating, SO over-analytical that they can’t even pander correctly? Does she actually think that by actually having a favorite team, she will alienate the other fans and thereby lose their votes? Are you shitting me? She can’t be so blind as to not realize that the number of votes she loses because of that is a tiny fraction of those lost when people hear this shit and just shake their heads at her sheer disingenuousness? Jesus christ. - XMASTIME 

THIS GUY HERE updates us on the latest round of you-gotta-be-shitting-me bullshit from presidential candidates and their sports fandom.  Still drives me crazy.  If you base your vote even PARTLY on what team a candidate likes then you're a fucking idiot.  Meanwhile the candidate has UNNECESSARILY given you another chance to say "oh, he's being a phony."

Real sports fans respect other sports fans.  For instance, as I've mentioned before, Op is an Orioles fan.  And yes, that makes him a hopeless stupid idiot, but I'd be way more upset if he suddenly became a Yankees fan to make me happy.  I mean, come the fuck on.

But yes, Mets fans fucking suck and should be launched into outer space.

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