Saturday, July 23, 2011

What's the Matter with Wisconsin?

Good lord, who would've ever thought that Wisconsin would come to field the Tea Party Assclown equivalent of the Dream Team, and here's the Top 9 Wisconsinites who are trying to destroy America
A self-made Objectivist who is neither self-made nor very objective. Johnson represents the very worst of what the Tea Party has to offer America: millionaire businessmen who have nothing to lose as politicians because they genuinely don't give a damn and will soon retire back to their suburban manses after mucking up the system and polarizing everyone as much as humanly possible.

The Congressional balance to Sen. Johnson, Paul Ryan is a career politician who runs against being a career politician.
For fuck's sake, having Ryan/Walker/Bachmann/Priebus on the same team is the closest anyone's ever come to the 1927 Yankees Murderer's Row. fucking frightening.

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