Friday, October 14, 2011

The Right Makes Total Sense, As Usual

Republicans are chomping at the bit (along with 15 asshole Democrats) to enact the "Let Women Die" bill, which basically allows hospitals to watch a woman die instead of perform a life-saving abortion.  Of course this makes sense since every abortion ever has been due to lazy-ass black people using doctors as birth control between trips to the store to buy gold dubloons with their welfare checks, and not a genuine medical emergency.  I really don't know what else the Republican Party has to do to finally make women stop voting for them - to their credit, they're very upfront: "not only do we not want your vote, we really don't give a shit if you live or die." Comforting!

Of course it's very consistent with their "sanctity of life" credo - the unborn fetus which might be born dead anyway is more important than keeping the mother alive, and then if the baby does live it's very important to stockpile as many guns as possible to blow away anybody who walks into their house - and if the intruder lives they'll fry his ass anyway.  Yes, everything works together perfectly: after all, while women aren't noble jobs creators, their sole purpose for living is to produce future noble "jobs creators" (ie "men"), I guess.

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