Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Xmastime sayeth in May 2011:
I'm to lazy to look it up, but I've bitched about this on Xmastime ad nauseum.  There's an entire bloc of voters who voted for Obama, and then got frustrated when he didn't deliver them puppies and rainbows on January 20, 2009.  But instead of staying the course and insisting on pushing for a progressive agenda no matter how incremental, they said "oh, fuck it", which opened the door for watered-down, mildly effective compromises, allowing opponents to pounce "see, it failed!"   This ushered in the austerity-loving governors who, after about 4 seconds in office, voters realized "oh, shit."

It's like demanding to fuck Angelina Jolie, and being told you'd hafta fuck Scarlett Johannsson for now while they worked on getting you up in Angelina's guts, and instead of fucking Scarlett's sweet tang you say “forget it, asshole!” and instead opt for being ass-raped by that monster Kardashian girl. 
Today Sully wholeheartedly agrees with Jonathon Chait that these people are fucking idiots.
For anybody who voted for Obama in 2008 and had even the vaguest sense of his platform, the notion that he has fallen short of some plausible performance threshold seems to me unfathomable.
I couldn't agree more. I have no idea what standard people are using to declare Obama's first term a failure. To save us from a Great Depression, rescue the auto industry, re-regulate Wall Street, decimate al Qaeda, kill bin Laden and Qaddafi and provide universal healthcare? That's failure

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