Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ryan BS

The president of the soup kitchen where Paul Ran put on his little performance last week has exposed the photo-op as being complete bullshit, which has apparently led to donors pulling their donations from the soup kitchen and heaping abuse on the guy:
Ryan supporters have now targeted Antal and his soup kitchen, Antal said, including making hundreds of angry phone calls. Some members of Antal's volunteer staff have had to endure the barrage as well, he said.  Antal said doesn't understand why donors would take out their frustration over the incident on those who can't afford to pay for their own meals. "I'm a volunteer,' he said. "I receive zero compensation. Withholding donations is only going to hurt the over 100,000 we serve annually."
Hey, this asshole bruised Eddie Munster's feelings, and now totally innocent people hafta pay the price. It's not complicated. The only real question is why Ryan thought such a photo-op was necessary in the first place, since obviously anyone desperate enough to go to a soup kitchen is a scum of the Earth loser who isn't one of our noble job creators, so.

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