Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Ain't That America

A coupla weeks ago people started wondering where Mitt Romney kept coming up with his 12 million jobs number that he was throwing around every time he opened his mouth, until it was pointed out that that's pretty much the exact number of jobs experts say will be grown over the next four years no matter what happens. Now, with the economy finally recovering, Slate has an article pointing out that whoever is president during those years will be hailed as the genius savoir of the country.

How tragicomic is Obama's situation if he does in fact lose tonight? Before him came a guy born on third base who inherited a surplus and then left the place a complete disaster. So then Obama comes in and has to clean everything up, only to have ANOTHER guy born on third base breeze in and run his victory lap for him.

I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or sing a John Cougar Mellencamp song. Damn .

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