Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Good Riddance

Lost in the Obama excitement last night is the fact that that total shithead Allen West lost re-election.

Here's a list of the 16 dumbest things this idiot said in Congress. How they narrowed it down to 16 is a miracle.

Also losing is Xmastime favorite Joe Walsh, who very quickly clawed his way into the GOP Batshit Olympics with a fairly impressive canon of bafflingly stupid shit pouring out of his dumb fucking mouth, including his piece dé resistance, being annoyed that his opponents' war service, during which she lost both of her legs, came up during the campaign. Unlike when John McCain ran, according to Walsh.Well, now Joe's got more time to worry about kicking his deadbeat dad game up a notch, I guess.

See ya, dumbass!

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