Friday, November 09, 2012

In Case You're Worried Bruce Springsteen Isn't Getting Enough Attention

Springsteen & I film project, for which you can film yoiurself talking about how awesome Bruce is:

Springsteen & I is a call out to YOU, the fans, to make a film about Bruce and what he means to you. We want your most personal insights, abstractions and reflections on how Bruce Springsteen and his music has affected your life. Springsteen & I is an open invitation to people all over the world to share stories that celebrate one of the greatest storytellers of our generation.
Hmm. That looks like fun. If only anyone here knew anyone who had met Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen and has a story to tell. Well, and his mom. And sister. And his Uncle Carl. But I guess we'll never know, huh? I mean, after all, some of us like to keep our private meetings with Springsteen and his mother and sister and Uncle Juan just that: private.

Hmm. I wonder if any of my fans will now launch an Xmastime & I project....

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