Thursday, November 29, 2012


Having recently moved there from DC, Sully is trying to come to grips with the fact that NYC isn't so shitty after all.

It took me a little while to realize that most New Yorkers aren’t from New York, that like me, they were all from somewhere else. The stereotype of the “fuhggedaboutit!” NYC asshole is merely that: a stereotype. This was crystalized for me in a moment, about a month after I’d moved there, when I was at a pay phone panicking out of my mind about running late for a job interview and realizing I didn’t have a quarter. Out of the zillions of people walking by I latched my eyes onto Joe Q. Wall Street, in a suit that cost more than I’d be making if I managed to get the job. As my brain was telling me “this New Yorker is gonna tell me to go fuck myself” I heard myself spewing out my dilemma to him, and without breaking stride he said “hey, I’ve been there, buddy!” and happily slapped me a quarter without even slowing down. That’s the secret of New York City – we’re all in it together. Well. Or in my case, were.

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