Friday, December 14, 2012

Bode MIller. Whoever the Fuck That Is.

Bode Miller drilled (heh heh heh) his presumably usually smoking hot wife in the face (heh heh heh) with a golf ball.

Of course that's an excuse to bring up my previous brilliance a lá the Winter Olympics:
Ah yes, The Winter Olympics begin tonight. Or, as I call them, "Two weeks of wildly massive indifference along with mild annoyance at no new episodes of The Office."

It's like Grandpa always said: "if God had wanted us to give a shit about the Winter Olympics, he would've made us those Scandinavian faggots."

Or, as I said HERE last time:
Dig this.
"Ski racers often play other sports — such as basketball, volleyball or hockey — to maintain fitness."

Now, if you play a sport wherein you have to play ANOTHER sport to "maintain fitness", maybe you're not playing a real "sport" after all. Christ.
As I recall, Cookieface took some unbrage at this ("oooh, Bode Miller is hot!")

Whatevs. The only reason to have these games at all is to replay footage of the 1980 US Hockey Team.

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