Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Coming Together. Finally.

It's my least favorite Beatles record (which still makes it better than 99% of albums ever made (though saved only by George Harrison's songs and the final Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End run)) - XMASTIME on Abbey Road
I've received a lot of grief on these pages over the years for claiming Abbey Road to be my least-favorite Beatles album, and now we find the New York Times (or, as I call it, "The Times") review of it in which the reviewer (who later had the article that went on to be the basis for Saturday Night Fever) lambastes it for being crappy, save for the medley on Side 2 (of which I declare Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End to be all-time brilliance, the rest blah.) While I disagree with him re: Harrison's songs sucking (see above), I'm glad to finally have somebody else on my side and take particular glee in FINALLY finding someone who agrees with me that Come Together is not only the crappiest Beatles classic ever, but complete shit in and of itself:
``Come Together'' is a slowed-down reworking of Chuck Berry's ``You Can't Catch Me'' and is intriguing only as a sign of just how low Lennon can sink these days. ``You Can't Catch Me'' is a very great song, after all, and lumbering it with the kind of ``Look Ma, I'm Jesus'' lyrics that Lennon unloads here is not a crime that I'd like to have on my conscience.

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