Monday, December 17, 2012

Hugh Gets It

Hugh Grant has responded to Jon Stewart calling him "worst guest ever" by of course being all wonderfully Hugh Grant-y:
Grant responded Friday via Twitter, writing: "Turns out my inner crab got the better of me with TV producer in 09. Unforgivable. J Stewart correct to give me kicking. "
Of course this means we're only days from Grant sheepishly appearing on The Daily Show and winning over the hearts of everyone on the planet, including Stewart.

My favorite part of this is of course wondering how Trump would have responded to Stewart's claim.  And of course by "wondering" I mean I'm 100% sure his response woulda been "Jon Stewart is a midget and a complete joke, everyone in the business knows it, nobody in the world likes his stupid show, which doesn't get one-millionth the ratings my shows do. Jon you're a disgrace."

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