Monday, December 03, 2012

In America

LEO Oh, here’s one you’ll like. Bertram Coles--
BARTLET Oh, I like anything that starts with ‘Bertram Coles’. Let’s have it.
LEO Coles goes on the radio yesterday and he says people in his district love America and you better not come down there cause you might not get out alive. [laughs]
BARTLET Bert’s calling me out?
LEO Apparently, the people in Bert’s district are so patriotic that if the President of the United States himself were to show up, they’d kill him. [They both laugh.]
Republicans spend their days loudly screeching that they love America more than you do. There is no body-sized bald eagle tattoo they will not wear, and they’ve created a cottage industry of music that says so. They love Jesus and Santa because both of them would’ve loved America the best, and there’s no mention of the troops they will let pass without choking up in front of a camera about how great America is. Republicans just flat-out love the fuck out of America. So much, apparently, that 25% of them want to leave it:
Twenty five percent of registered Republicans want their state to secede from the United States, according to a new poll from Public Policy Polling.
Hey, I say let ‘em. As Archie Bunker once said “love it or lump it, or take it on down the street and dump it.”

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