Thursday, December 06, 2012

Notre Damn.

For the first time in two decades I found myself getting excited about Notre Dame football. They're playing for the National Championship in a few weeks, and not just playing for the National Championship, but doing so against another old fucking salt of old salt teams, Alabama. Goddam, I thought, time to wake up the ghosts of Michael fucking Stonebreaker.

They will tell you not to root for Notre Dame because of its connection to the Catholic Church, which apparently has spent decades protecting pedophiles. Phooey on that, I say - if you REALLY want a reason to not give a shit if Notre Dame wins a game, remember that they currently have two players on the roster who sexually assaulted students, including one who committed suicide a week after telling the police what happened. Neither of these players has missed a game, and will be dressed for the natonal title game next month. From what I can tell, the girl who committed suicide has not come back to life in the meantime.

I'm just exhausted. It hardly seems worth it anymore. Patch over grown men diddling little kids and young athletes assaulting women, all so they can win a few football games, so that one day they can play in the NFL, so that they can get head injuries gruesome enough to propel them into killing their girlfriends and then themselves. And over. And over. And over.

And hey, guess what - when all this was happening, Notre Dame football sucked. It was pretty much a  punchline. Now that it's back on top, can you even imagine the shit they'll be willing to do/cover up?

It's just fucking exhausting.

But I'll always love Michael Stonebreaker.

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