Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Truth

Via Chris Bonney
Yes, it is another horrible tragedy. But guess what, America? This is the trade off you've made, consciously, even happily - the lives of your children for gun ownership. So you can stop all the hand wringing, because it's your own fucking fault.

1 comment:

  1. Marley2:00 PM

    I like Chris plenty, but this sentiment is as about the douchiest fucking thing Marley has ever read (note - for now on, Marley will be referring to himself thusly).

    It's the kind if thing a retarded puritan would say after a drunk driver collides and kills a family of 8. Yes, America, your conscious choice for booze cost you the lives of your children. So you can stop all the hand wringing, because it's your own fucking fault.

    And don't get Marley started on America's jones for swimming pools! Selfish bastards.

    Marley gives some leeway for the brain fog that accompanies tragedy but not when it is encased in such moralistic bullshit.
