Tuesday, January 29, 2013


11) Ladies: after you've received your change from the cashier, step aside and let the next person do his transaction. Don't stand there in front of the line carefully placing your fucking change in your purse and closing it all up nicely and neatly and then putting on your fucking gloves and scarf while we all stand there staring at you, including the cashier, you stupid fuck. Get your change, step aside to do your fucking banking, bitch! - XMATIME
Ran into the perfect storm of frustration tonight: got behind an old lady paying with a checkbook. Wrote out the shit like she was drafting the final copy of The Declaration of Independence, and then didn't budge an inch 'til she had updated all the new fucking info in her transaction booklet. HEAD EXPLODES.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:04 PM

    You can tell you used to live in New York.

    But I agree. Very annoying.
