Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Life. I've Figured It Out.

One of my co-worker's daughter is selling Girl Scout cookies, so there's a sign-up sheet on the wall to oder them, and you can check 'DONATE" if you wanna give the cookies to the less fortunate.  The silent minority of the Girl Scout Cookieless of America, I guess. For my box of Tagalongs I checked DONATE, and I don't wanna hear all your weepy "Xmastime, you're a goddam hero!" shit from all of you.  Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, it's not up to me to say.  Probably I am, but, again, don't start with that shit. Mainly, I just want my Office Crush to notice, so she thinks "oh my God, Xmastime is donating his Tagalongs?  What an amazing man!!!!" and then walks over to my cube and asks me to take her to Dairy Queen, and then get married.

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