Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tea Party Bullshit is Still Slinging

This mythology that Tea Partiers are gonna get into DC and "fuck some shit up!!" because they're "real" is laughable.  How do we know this, you ask? Anybody remember the name Scott Brown? That's right, wasn't it only a few months ago that Scott Brown was gonna get to the Senate and change everything? Gee, what's happened since? Have you even heard his name once since then?...Sharron Angle can't outwit the Arizona media, but she's going to waltz into DC and become the Congressional moving & shaking  LBJ of our day? Really? - XMASTIME, September 2010
Article HERE on the proud, determined stupidity of the Republican Party. Even in 2012. Sigh.
He [Ted Yoho] is a bog-standard talk radio conservative, only instead of one of those with years of experience navigating the House of Representatives, like his predecessor, he is one who believes that he will shake things up by constantly repeating clichés about being an outsider....This is basically what bad “Project Runway” contestants say, before they are eliminated.

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