Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Xmastime State of the Union Classixxx, III

Tonight we get The State of the Union, and while Republicans want you to believe we pussy liberal pinko commies will all be spellbound by Obama's performance like he's preaching in a tent, hypnotizing us with his voodoo and his huge African cock, he's actually a fairly dull speaker when it comes to delivering a speech itself (be cool if he had the balls to pull a TJ.)  This will  of course make Charles "Dumb" Krauthammer's inevitable "there was plenty of style, but no substance" comment to Sean Hannity four seconds after the speech has ended that much more ironcially stupid and, of course, stupid.

Mostly, watching an Obama speech makes me pine for the one thing great about Bush: him speaking. Sigh.

Watching Obama right now reminds me what the best thing about George W. Bush as president was: putting him in front of a live camera. Right? He was like whenever Eric Dickerson got the ball handed to him, there's no WAY you're tearing your eyes from the screen, cause you know at any second he's gonna go all the way - mangle words in ways you didn't think possible, then light off a string of "what the fuck is he saying?" sentences before trying to make a joke that feels like someone cut one in church. Seriously, if Bush had become the first president to drop the n-word on live tv during a presser, can you honestly say you'd be S H O C K E D? He made blithering oblivion fun to watch. And it was FUN. Oh, everything he said was absolute bullshit, but you also know that if you took 60 seconds to walk to the fridge, there was at least a small chance that you'd find him onscreen doing shadow puppets, having said "aw, fuck it" with a broken bottle of Mad Dog 20/20 over his own head.

Sigh. We miss ya, Dubyanuts.

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