Friday, March 08, 2013

Actors Fucking Suck

O'Brien from Downton Abbey is leaving, but relished playing an asshole cause I'm sure she's awesome in real life:
Finneran confirmed the news to the British tabloid The Daily Mirror. "I'm not doing any more," she said. "O'Brien is a thoroughly despicable human being -- that was great to play."
What does Xmastime think of this shit, you ask?
...and #2: How many times we gotta hear about an actor loving to play a bad, evil role and saying "the role allows me to be a real creep, to be a complete jerk and mean, which is so different from real life." oh, cause in real life Im sure you're a fucking saint, douchebag. Just once I'd like to hear the opposite "what an experience playing a nice, normal guy. As you and the girls at Scores already know in real life Im an asshole, sleazy douchebag. Man. what a change for me!" Fuck you. And your movie sucks.
Wait - this is her in real life? Wait what - I'm sorry!! oooooh, I'm sure you ARE amazing!  Nom nom nom!!!!

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