Thursday, March 07, 2013

It Was 10 Years Ago Today

Xmastime October 30, 2012:

Something tells me Bruce The Boss Springsteen will be opening tomorrow night's show with a solo acoustic Atlantic City. Just like he did on a certain night back in March of 2003. A night during which a certain coupla fellows met him afterwards. No big deal. And if you think I'm gonna even come close to revealing who those gentlemen were and therein compromise their respect for privacy, then I'm sorry but you don't know the first thing about me.
Bruce dedicated The Beatles' "Tell Me Why" to his mom, who brought him down to Atlantic City when he was a kid to see Chubby Checker, and to "all the bands that played in this room that inspired us." High energy throughout, a strong setlist within the Rising framework, a killer show.  
If you think I'm gonna reveal who those gentlemen were that also met his mother after that show, how fucking dare dare you think I'd do such a thing. How dare y-oh, GODDAMM!!!! I hit "post" before realizing I'd put this picture in OHMYGOSH I FUCKING HATE MYSELF!!!

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