Tuesday, March 05, 2013


Speaking of Sully, he feels guilty about being pro-war ten years ago and piggybacks a TNC quote:
[I]f I regret anything it is my pose of powerlessness — my lack of faith in American democracy, my belief that the war didn’t deserve my hard thinking or hard acting, my cynicism. I am not a radical. But more than anything the Iraq War taught me the folly of mocking radicalism. It seemed, back then, that every “sensible” and “serious” person you knew — left or right — was for the war. And they were all wrong. Never forget that they were all wrong. And never forget that the radicals with their drum circles and their wild hair were right.
On one hand that's true - and eye-opening... years ago HERE I wrote:
...when this administration took office, I expected to be screwed, deceived and lied to...I did NOT expect the mind-numbing incompetence and stark, open stupidity.
On the other hand, I think it's worth wondering if the people who were wrong and the people who were right were wrong or right in this particular instance, or had simply lined up on their respective sides as usual - for instance, John McCain will ALWAYS want to go to a war, while someone like me will ALWAYS not want to go to war. At various times both of us will be right/wrong, without any actual-scenario thought or meaning.

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