Tuesday, April 09, 2013


And I, of course, think of Thatcher, whose example helped make me a conservative, and her total grip of policy detail, and her fascination with ideas and history, and her degree in chemistry from Oxford and her training as a lawyer, and years in diligent opposition and government, and her willingness to take on and argue with anyone, and to never quit anything.

And I silently weep that the right has been reduced to this absurd fantasist know-nothing who believes her ignorance is her selling point.
The best part of Margaret Thatcher dying is, of course, it gave Sniffy Wiffy a chance to remind us all that she's the American version of the Iron Lady. Priceless, no? Especially considering it was only a short time ago she was bitching that one of the most formidable persons in all of British history wouldn't take the time out from sliding into dementia to meet and celebrate a fourth-rate American reality show star.

Life, right? A box of fucking crackers.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    did you even read her eulogy? you should. you could have written it.
