Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Beatles Browbeat

 Today's Beatles Browbeat over at Slate is about John Lennon keeping his marriage and son Julian secret:
That evening, on Aug. 23, 1962, Lennon spent his wedding night playing with the Beatles in Chester.
From that point on Cynthia lived what she called an “undercover existence,” leaving her wedding band at home and staying away from the band’s shows. She was even forced to deny her last name. On the rare occasions when John was home, they made sure not to go out in public together.
This was made somewhat easier by the press’ ready compliance with their demands. Beatles biographer Bob Spitz points to the transcript of a fall 1963 interview conducted by Judith Simons of the Daily Express. Simons politely asks, “We still can’t mention your marriage, can we, John?” Asking was just a formality.
On a side note, Julian just turned 50. I've always preferred his songs over the bullshit hype of Sean. Also, Hey Jude was of course written about him:
Imagined dialogue: Julian Lennon, on the eve of his parent's divorce, sits through a new song from Uncle Paul:

Jesus Christ on a crutch, HOW LONG IS THIS THING? Oh excellent, he’s forgotten the rest of the words, he’s just singing na-na-na-nahhhh. Maybe that means he’ll end it. Wait, what? Mum, please, no, don’t join in, you’re drunk. Oh fuck me, now they’re all doing it! I’m going to throw this fucking chair in a second. I am not clapping along. No. NO.
Previous Beatles Browbeat HERE

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