Monday, April 22, 2013

Boston Marathon Wrap-Up

I’m going on record saying that while I’m glad we caught the second bomber alive, I’m not comfortable taking a victory lap waving the over-sized ‘USA #1!!” foam finger. We shut down a major metropolitan area to catch a 19 year-old who had played a part in killing one more person than OJ Simpson. Congratulations.

Haven’t we now set a precedent for which the next time some chutterfuck does some bullshit he’ll get all this attention and we’ll shut down an entire city because of him? Can there BE an easier way to impress a girl? Isn’t his why the tv cameras cut away whenever some idiot runs on a baseball field for attention? Could we possibly feed into these people’s ego MORE? IS Chandler Bing in the house?

And isn’t Boston supposed to be such a tough town? Where were all the Southies, patrolling the streets looking to get a piece of this guy? Of all cities, shouldn’t the city that most pats itself on the back for being so tough be kind of embarrassed now? They’re kind of like the Republicans who are so hawkish about “kicking ass!!” when it comes to terrorists but then pee their pants when it’s revealed a terrorist might be tried on American soil. Or Italians, the kings of the pretend sissy-fight. 

I’m glad we got him. And I’m glad the damage was minimized. But to pop our hamstrings patting ourselves on the back on this one seems pretty pathetic. Maybe Marley's right, that after all these year's we've gone from being a country of excellence to one that gives itself a certificate for merely participating.

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