Monday, April 29, 2013

Fuck the Jets

I've long declared myself to be Team Tebow. Today the Jets not only cut him, but of course Chris Christie  Rex Ryan couldn't resist being an asshole:
The coach who never seemed to like Tebow issued a statement on Monday that thanked him for being in shape, which coming from a man whose most salient comment in the last three years had to do with eating a "goddamn snack" seemed as backhanded a swipe as any. Rex Ryan couldn't run Tebow to the curb fast enough. Then he had to jump on his head.
I hope someone up in New England is waking up Bill Bellicek right now with this news, and next season the Patriots use Tebow as some sort of H-back and totally destroy the fucking Jets. Twice. The second time Tebow is eating some Twinkies in front of Rex Ryan whilst cutting his shitty defense to shreds.

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