Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Bye Bye Craig

Craig Ferguson is the King of Late Night TV and to me there isn't even remotely a closed 2nd.  This week he's been replaying his week in France from last year, starting with this musical kickoff.  I have yet to watch it without cracking up every time the alligator and bunny pop up. - XMASTIME
Craig Ferguson announced he's quitting his show at the end of the year, which sucks because his show is great. But what makes it unique is that it's greatness came not in the night-to-night minutiae the way people still talk about falling asleep to Johnny every night, day after boring day, but in his greatest moments: the eulogies to both his mom and his dad, his paternal protection of Britney Spears, his speaking about his alcoholism, and his one-on-one interview with Stephen Frye. I'm sad his show is over, but sadder he never adopted that one-on-one late night show whose promise was shown in that Stephen Frye episode.

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