Sunday, May 04, 2014

Heaven & Hell

The peeps over at Sully have been talking about what Hell really is. I haven't read much of it, who's got time for that shit when you're me, but it made me think of something pretty simple.

We've always heard that no matter what you do, no matter how bad a person you are, in the end if you believe in God and show remorse for your sins you'll go to Heaven instead of Hell.

What if the reverse is true? What if you live an uneventful, good life but just don't believe in God - if you die and it turns out you were wrong, that there IS a God, do we really think he'd punish you by sending you to Hell? Do we really think so little of a God we profess to worship that he'd welcome sinners over non-sinners just because in the end his ego was stroked by their believing in him?

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