Tuesday, June 03, 2014


I don't have much unique to say about the whole  Benghazi II  Bergdahl thingee, except that if you want to paint him as a shitty soldier, I don't know if this is the case you make:
"He wouldn't drink beer or eat barbecue and hang out with the other 20-year-olds," Cody Full, another member of Sergeant Bergdahl's platoon, said in an interview on Monday also arranged by Republican strategists. "He was always in his bunk. He ordered Rosetta Stone for all the languages there, learning Dari and Arabic and Pashto."
Obviously personally I have no idea whether or not he was a crappy soldier. But whining that Bergdahl wasn't into playing grab-ass all day and was instead curious to learn the languages of the cultures his army had been forced upon doesn't make this Cody Full look very good. If I'm his adviser I might mention "hey, don't bring up the whole he was more interested in interacting with people that could make your lives a little easier than drinking beer and trading porn mags."

Side note from the comments section:
I feel for Obama on this one. Because as with so many things, he is fucked either way. If he *hadn't* gotten Bergdahl back, he'd get crucified for 'leaving a man behind' and McCain and Graham would march into the Senate chamber every day wearing matching POW/MIA flag doo-rags.

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