Saturday, July 12, 2014

Joey Ramone

3. I don't wanna be pissing in the Cheerios here, but in all the books I've read about Lou Reed not once did anyone say anything other about his personality other than he was a complete asshole. - XMASTIME
Just in watching Rock 'n Roll High School for the 100th time, I'm reminded that Joey Ramone was the exact opposite of Lou Reed - there is not a single account that I'm aware of of anyone having a single bad word to say about him. It's always the same story, he went out of his way to be kind and generous with everyone he met, no matter who they were.

Also, the backstage scene reminds us that they seemed to be incapable of speaking words out loud (via IMDB: "Dee Dee Ramone was such a bad actor that his lines were cut from five down to two, in the dressing room after the concert: "Hey, pizza!" and "Hey, pizza! It's great! Let's dig in!""), but Johnny throwing the pizza is still funny.

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