Monday, January 19, 2015

My Thoughts on the Most recent Episode of GIRLS, "Triggering"

- First of all, THANK YOU for not using the pool wrestling scene as another excuse to show Lena Dunham as naked as possible, by leaving her dress on. again, thank you.
- The line Shosh uttered while watching tv is the most "Shosh" quote ever, and was wonderful.
- Elijah's "Eeeeevery party I go to" line killed me.
- Hannah's "snap out of it" speech to the girl waiting to go to the bathroom was the funniest thing I've seen from her in a loooooong time.
- Anyone else have a sneaking suspicion Marnie's banging Adam?
- Hannah in class was exactly 100% as anyone who's seen the show for ten seconds would expect her to be. Too on the nose, really.
- Did we need to see what felt like 10 minutes of "party! party! party!"? Couldn't that have been shortened? ALso, felt a little too much "let's insert NYC into Iowa."
- Looking at Iowa, now I wanna move to Iowa.
- I assume everyone else is in love with that ridiculously hot brunette. Nom nom fuckity nom.
- It's occurred to me that for someone from the Midwest, Hannah is about as non-Midwestern as you can be. Can three years in NYC really change you that much? One thing I've learned about Midwesterners is they love talking about how Midwestern they are; meanwhile, Hannah's rude and obnoxious and pushy and oblivious to other people. On one hand I know that's just her character, but it seems a bit much when reminded of her rots.

ah, here's my new girlfriend:

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