Monday, April 20, 2015

A Few Thoughts on Last Night's Mad Men

- Why are we bringing in old retreads (Glen Bishop) and new characters (the guy banging Joan)? With three episodes left, are we really supposed to give a shit about these people?

- Basically, we’re just looking at a coupla rich guys (and gal) who are sitting on piles of money with no real incentive to do anything. What great work is Don doing? None. So who cares?

- A clichéd Mrs. Robinson plotline? WITH a "gee, I'm going off to Vietnam..." bit? Really? Can Matthew Weiner show LESS imagination?

- So Mathis got fired. But surely I’m not the only one who had always wondered how he worked there in the first place? He and the other guy always seemed like worthless slugs who couldn’t write themselves out of Don’s bottle of rye. So why were they even hired as the genius Don Draper’s copywriters? How’d they last as long as they did? That’s what was great about Ginsberg – you felt that he was Don’s natural genius successor.

- Mostly, I have a sinking feeling that the series should’ve ended on the high note of saving the firm/winning Burger Chef/landing on the moon/Bert Cooper dying.

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