Saturday, January 30, 2016


Being a regular at a local pub can be good for you:
People who have a bar where everybody knows their name are significantly happier, have more friends, and have better life satisfaction than other people.
And believe it or not, they’re actually LESS likely to binge drink.

Read More: It's Science! Science Says Being a Regular at a Bar is Good For You |

A new study found that being a regular at a small local bar is good for you. People who have a bar where everybody knows their name are significantly happier have more friends and have better life satisfaction than other people. And believe it or not they’re actually LESS likely to binge drink.
The closest I've ever had to such a thing is The Turkey's Nest. Though with 32-oz styrofoam containers of Bud for $3.50, I can't say we didn't the fuck out of shit there.
I remember the day after 9/11 when we were all at the Turkey's Nest, collecting ourselves and making sure everyone was okay, and listening to the tales of a guy who was there when it happened. We were dumbstruck as he told us stories of seeing falling bodies and body parts; we all, including him, marveled that he'd survived.

But the one thing I'll remember for all my years, long after I've forgotten about 9/11, is what he said at the door as he was leaving. Muttering under his breath, I don't think anyone else even heard him, he said "Now after all that, watch me walk out the door right now and get hit by a fucking bus."

People who have a bar where everybody knows their name are significantly happier, have more friends, and have better life satisfaction than other people.
And believe it or not, they’re actually LESS likely to binge drink.

Read More: It's Science! Science Says Being a Regular at a Bar is Good For You |
People who have a bar where everybody knows their name are significantly happier, have more friends, and have better life satisfaction than other people.
And believe it or not, they’re actually LESS likely to binge drink.

Read More: It's Science! Science Says Being a Regular at a Bar is Good For You |

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