Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Fucking Catch

Interesting oral history on  49ers' inaugural Super Bowl in the soon-to-be-demolished Silverdome:
He admits that it’s strange to know that in a few short months, the place where he had his first great memory as a 49er will be gone, but the Silverdome’s demolition is just the latest bit of proof that time marches on. Last season, San Francisco said goodbye to Candlestick Park. “You go drive down the 101, and it’s gone,” Wilson says. “That’s the thing about the game.”
It won’t be long until a wrecking ball smashes through the Silverdome in the way Montana and his team tore through the NFL, but until then, it’s left for the wind to tear at its bones, for the concrete to crack, for the metal to rust. Soon, all that will remain are the legends it helped create.
Also not sure I'd ever realized just how good Fred Dean was:
"That Sunday against Dallas, Dean terrorized Danny White for four quarters, collecting four sacks (not yet an official stat) and a handful more hits. “What I used to say about Fred Dean is that he’s not a normal human being,” Austick says. “He’s made out of titanium. And when he could hit you, he could break you.”

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