Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Footnote Found!

Five years ago I asked:
I never seem to have watched it all the way through at any one time, but the one scene from the 1988 documentary Imagine I never seem to miss is when some hippie wanders up to John Lennon's house, and instead of releasing the hounds Lennon not only talks to him but invites him in to eat!

Who the fuck is this guy? Is he alive? He's probably about 60 now. Has anyone ever found out who this guy is? Wouldn't it be great to ask "what was it like to find yourself sitting at a kitchen table with one  of the fucking Beatles?"? 
According to this post on John Lennon's Facebook page, his name is Claudio:
Is anyone in contact with Claudio, the John Lennon fan who turned up on John's doorstep in Ascot in May 1971 and is featured in the 'Gimme Some Truth' documentary?

We would like to get in touch with him. If you have ANY info about his whereabouts, please comment below or email THANK YOU.

Claudio was a confused, vulnerable, shell-shocked Vietnam veteran who came to Lennon's Ascot house in England from the San Francisco VA Medical Center in the USA. He was convinced that John was sending him messages in his lyrics that were asking him personally to come and meet him. John and he spoke outside, and then John invited Claudio into the kitchen to have something to eat, after which he went on his way.

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