Monday, August 13, 2018

Fall is the Shizzle

The Atlantic re-posted an article from a year ago re: why Fall feels like the real start of a year:
Why does autumn, which could reasonably be considered as foreshadowing only the dark days of winter, feel like a beginning? And could it actually be beneficial to think of the back-to-school window as its own kind of new year—even if our classroom days are behind us?

“Add up all of those years and you’re talking roughly half of one’s lifespan being tied to an academic calendar,” Schneider said. “That powerfully shapes the way people experience what the ‘beginning’ and ‘end’ of the year is.”
"But Xmastime", you say in the voice of Craig “Ironhead” Heyward from those soap commercials (RIP), “didn't you say all this 11 years ago?"

Sigh. Yes I did, Faithful Readers. Yes I did:
I think we can all knock off the nonsense about “spring is about rebirth!” that we love to throw around and believe. As with the stupidity of clinging to voting on Tuesdays, I know this crap is from our days as an agrarian society. But isn’t fall more about rebirth than spring? Schools re-open. Most people get back to serious work after a long summer of vacations/slacking off etc. Football, hockey and basketball seasons begin in the fall. The crisp autumnal air gives us fresh energy after a summer of trying to sleep in our own sweat. Fall kicks off the holiday season. Networks roll out their new seasons. Everything starts for real after Labor Day. What the fuck does spring start? Wow, leaves come back on the trees. Whoop-de do shit. Otherwise, it kicks off months and months of hot, dreary nothingness. So let’s give fall it’s due for once this year as it rolls in. And Spring? Go fuck yourself.

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