Thursday, September 20, 2018

Mike and the Mad Dog - 10 Years Ago?!?!?!?

I still can't believe Mad Dog is gone. Just like that. So fucking sudden. At least he called in yesterday. I'm so fucking depressed. What the fuck. I'll continue to listen to Mike, and I'll listen to Dog wherever he ends up. But it won't be the same. If I could have two voices in the background of my day 24/7, they would be the ones. I'm so depressed. - Xmastime August 2008
It just occurred to me it’s been over 10 years since Dog’s last show with Mike. How depressing. It’s hard to even remember how much of a presence they had in my life. Well, from 1:06pm to 6:20pm Monday - Friday, that is. Just always there in the background for me whenever I needed it. These days I toggle back and forth between Mike on WFAN and Dog on Sirius, but it’s not the same as when they were together. But it can’t possibly be. It’s like when Bird said the game wasn’t the same for him after Magic retired.

Oh well. We still have some clips, like the one below with Dog’s dad (who would call a few times every summer in despair about his long-beloved Yankees) calling in after Dog left. This was the one moment in 3 decades in which Mike expressed something even remotely close to a human emotion, so that’s pretty amazing.

And, of course, the single greatest post of all time.

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