Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Nonsense du Jour

This bit about McCain's funeral being a "resistance" against Trump is bullshit:
This was to be no mere laying to rest of a Washington wise man, nor just another funeral of an elder statesman whose passing would be marked by flowery words about the end of an era. It was a meeting of the Resistance, under vaulted ceilings and stained-glass windows.
This would be true except for the fact that inside the building were the very men and women who could end Trump's corruption in a second. But they haven't, and for all of McCain's media runs about being a "maverick" against Trump he agreed with him over 90% of the time as well. To say nothing of the fact that Trump doesn't exist as president today if McCain hadn't foisted the cartoon of Sarah Palin upon us 10 years ago.

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