Thursday, June 27, 2019

Mind Blown du Jour

THIS HERE is a pretty silly list of the 100 best tv shows ever, but this note about Cheers jumped out at me for damn sure:
NBC's first choice to play Sam Malone? "Bill Cosby," remembers co-creator Les Charles, 72. "We declined because it would have meant doing the Bill Cosby Show."
I can’t believe, as a huge Cheers and Bill Cosby fan, I have never heard about this until this moment. But Charles was right - it would’ve turned into Cosby being Cosby. The Cosby Show was great but if you go back and watch you can tell how much of it is simply Cosby moseying around riffing as being Cosby. Which was great, but wouldn’t have worked for Cheers’ deep bench of characters.

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